When i was only 8 weeks old, Mummy and Daddy began to notice that i wasn't responding to sounds like they remember my big sister doing. They took me to the doctors who said they would refer me to the hospital. In November, when i was 5 months old (yes it took 3 months to finally get an appointment date!) I went with Mummy to the audiology department at the hospital.
We went into this strange room where they tested whether i could hear. It would be easier if i could tell them but i haven't learnt how to talk yet. I didn't do very well on any of the tests and they said it may be because i had lots of fluid / mucus around my ears and that they would test my ears again once i was sitting up and older.
I always have a bit of a sniffle and often cough at night so it made sense to Mummy and Daddy that my ears were blocked up with fluid. The consultant worried them after this first appointment i think because he told them that worse case i was profundly deaf.
Last week i had my second lot of tests. Since the first test i don't think Mummy and Daddy are worried as whenever big sister makes a lot of noise i look around to see where the noise is coming from, just like i do when Daddy runs the bath or Mummy makes silly noises with her mouth. They now know that i can hear and that when i was really young i simply wasn't responding to sounds as there was so much to be looking at and thinking about.As soon as i learnt to sit up, i think some of the fluid drained away as i could definately hear better. I've heard them talking though and they are not sure if i can hear quiet sounds. This makes me laugh as they obviously haven't noticed that with big sister around there aren't many quiet sounds to be heard!
The new test they did this time was to sit me at a table and look at the nice lady who was showing me a toy. To the side of me there was a TV screen and they kept putting a picture and an accompanying sound on. I think i was suppposed to turn my head towards the sound when they put it on the TV but the toy the lady had looked really good so why would i turn my head away from that? So i failed all their tests again. I am trying to do the right thing but i heard them telling Mummy that i'm still really young and i don't know what to do yet.
They now want to test me again in 2 months time and i heard them saying to Mummy and Daddy that if i fail them again they will discuss the possibility of doing a general anaesthetic to see if my hearing system has developed properly and is functioning properly. I don't think Mummy liked the idea of a GA as her face looked quite concerned after that so i have decided that i will try even harder at the next test so i can show them just how good my hearing is. I will update you again when i've been into that strange room again.
Look at me though....
Do i look like i have problems with my hearing??
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Snow, Waving, Learning!!
I started this blog so that i can share with you all the exciting new things i am learning about and this week there have been several. Mummy has tried to capture each event with the camera to help me show you what has been going on.
Before this week, i didn't know what this meant. Big sister has been asking for most of this year when the snow was coming as she wanted to use her new sledge but Mummy had been telling her she didn't think there would be any this year. How wrong was she!!
Here we are on our sledge. I'm not sure what all the excitement was about though. Maybe i'll enjoy it more next year?
Before this week, i didn't know what this meant. Big sister has been asking for most of this year when the snow was coming as she wanted to use her new sledge but Mummy had been telling her she didn't think there would be any this year. How wrong was she!!
I don't really understand what happened but all this white stuff fell from the sky and it made big sister very very excited. It was so so cold but that didn't bother her at all.
It was Grandad's birthday this week so we went out in the snow again, but this time with all of my cousins. I was watching them all wondering why they weren't feeling the cold like i was. The last time Grandad had snow on his birthday apparently was on his 40th, 21 years ago. I heard Nanny saying that Mummy was only 9 on that birthday. I liked spending the day with all my family, especially as it meant i could show off my new skill.....
I'm learning how to be very clever with my hands. Not only can i feed myself and play with toys using my hands, i've now learnt how to wave. Every time Daddy goes to work in the mornings he says 'bye-bye' and waves at me. When he comes home he normally says 'hi-ya' and waves when he sees me and big sister and now i can copy him. I think it is such a neat trick that i spend most of my day waving. I have started to do it at the right time as well now, so if someone says goodbye to me i wave at them.
Mummy has waved the camera in my face several times this week, to try and capture me waving, but every time she gets it out i stop whatever i am doing as a red light comes on which looks really interesting. Here i am though waving while i am sitting with my Auntie.
Look how pleased they are with me!!
It has been a busy week and i think it all caught up with me as i was very tired today. It's hard work learning how to be clever!!
What have you learnt that is new this week?
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
To my dear little lady (and big sister)
Very shortly my darling, Mummy will be returning to work. It has been creeping up for a while now but i have been trying to ignore it as i am dreading it. It's not that Mummy doesn't enjoy her job, it's just that it means i don't get to spend my days with you and big sister anymore. Sometimes when i think about not being able to see you and big sister whenever i can, it makes me feel very sad inside.
For the last 9 months my days have been entirely filled with looking after you and big sister and much more importantly indulging in your milestones and embracing the personalities that you are both developing. Fearne you have changed so much in the last 7 months. I am going to leave the camera with Nanny and Grandad so that i can share what you have done while i am gone.

It has been so much fun and so wonderful to spend each day with both of you. We had developed a lovely little routine of seeing big sister's special friend one day, your cousins another day, then spending two days doing toddler activities such as toddler gym, drama or visiting the library. We've had the freedom to pop in on Nanny and Grandad without any time pressures.
Look at the fun you and big sister had!!
Friday's big sister has been going to the childminder's so you've had me all to yourself. You have quite happily sat next to me while i've tidied and organised cupboards or cleared paperwork etc without ever whinging.
We will still get Monday's and Tuesday's to play but the rest of the week Mummy has to go to work. You will not be used to this new routine and i promise to give you lots of extra cuddles until you are. You and big sister will have lots of fun at Nanny and Grandad's house and the childminder's but i think it will take me some time to accept that work has to enter my life again.
I promise i will try to get home as early as possible so that i get to spend some of the day with you when i have been at work. I am well aware though that due to the traffic i will probably walk in with only half an hour to spend with you and big sister before you will need to go to bed. Hopefully as you get older you will stay awake longer. Mummy is hoping that we will all adjust well and that the fun we have on Monday's and Tuesday's will carry her through her days at work until we get to spend the weekend together. If you ever feel worried about where I have gone please know that i will definately return every evening after work to be with you and give you your dinner.
I want to reassure you that i am only working while you are so young as Daddy and i want to make sure we have enough money to treat you and big sister when we want to. Every week we do the lottery as if we were lucky enough to win, it would mean Mummy wouldn't have to leave you 3 days a week to go to work.
Can Mummy just ask one thing.... please save special moments, like crawling for the first time, or standing up at the furniture for when you are with Mummy and Daddy as i wouldn't want to miss these treasured times.
Lots of love from Mummy.
Very shortly my darling, Mummy will be returning to work. It has been creeping up for a while now but i have been trying to ignore it as i am dreading it. It's not that Mummy doesn't enjoy her job, it's just that it means i don't get to spend my days with you and big sister anymore. Sometimes when i think about not being able to see you and big sister whenever i can, it makes me feel very sad inside.
For the last 9 months my days have been entirely filled with looking after you and big sister and much more importantly indulging in your milestones and embracing the personalities that you are both developing. Fearne you have changed so much in the last 7 months. I am going to leave the camera with Nanny and Grandad so that i can share what you have done while i am gone.
It has been so much fun and so wonderful to spend each day with both of you. We had developed a lovely little routine of seeing big sister's special friend one day, your cousins another day, then spending two days doing toddler activities such as toddler gym, drama or visiting the library. We've had the freedom to pop in on Nanny and Grandad without any time pressures.
Look at the fun you and big sister had!!
Friday's big sister has been going to the childminder's so you've had me all to yourself. You have quite happily sat next to me while i've tidied and organised cupboards or cleared paperwork etc without ever whinging.
I promise i will try to get home as early as possible so that i get to spend some of the day with you when i have been at work. I am well aware though that due to the traffic i will probably walk in with only half an hour to spend with you and big sister before you will need to go to bed. Hopefully as you get older you will stay awake longer. Mummy is hoping that we will all adjust well and that the fun we have on Monday's and Tuesday's will carry her through her days at work until we get to spend the weekend together. If you ever feel worried about where I have gone please know that i will definately return every evening after work to be with you and give you your dinner.
I want to reassure you that i am only working while you are so young as Daddy and i want to make sure we have enough money to treat you and big sister when we want to. Every week we do the lottery as if we were lucky enough to win, it would mean Mummy wouldn't have to leave you 3 days a week to go to work.
Can Mummy just ask one thing.... please save special moments, like crawling for the first time, or standing up at the furniture for when you are with Mummy and Daddy as i wouldn't want to miss these treasured times.
Lots of love from Mummy.
Saturday, 4 February 2012
Food, glorious food! (part 2!)
Guess what i have discovered? That food really is glorious!!! I am really enjoying food now. It took me a while to work out how to move it to the back of my mouth rather than spitting it out but as soon as i grasped that i was away.
Now i can't get the food in quick enough. Mummy now gives me finger food at every meal as i really enjoy feeding myself and because she is kind enough to do that i let her give me the rest of my meal from a spoon.
I have tried such a huge variety of things. Today i had scrambled egg for the first time and chicken and leek pie for dinner. Mummy and Daddy have an Annabel Karmel weaning book and Mummy seems very happy with the recipes in there. I heard her and Daddy talking and they have decided to cook the whole family a meal from the book each night so that they can freeze extra portions for me. Isn't that a great idea. Big sister is not happy though. She is refusing to try any meals she is not familar with or that have ingredients that are mixed together but i can't work out why as i think it is all delicious. She is missing out on so much so i will have to talk to her about it once i learn to talk, that's if Mummy and Daddy haven't managed to persuade her to try more foods before then. :)
Now i can't get the food in quick enough. Mummy now gives me finger food at every meal as i really enjoy feeding myself and because she is kind enough to do that i let her give me the rest of my meal from a spoon.
I have tried such a huge variety of things. Today i had scrambled egg for the first time and chicken and leek pie for dinner. Mummy and Daddy have an Annabel Karmel weaning book and Mummy seems very happy with the recipes in there. I heard her and Daddy talking and they have decided to cook the whole family a meal from the book each night so that they can freeze extra portions for me. Isn't that a great idea. Big sister is not happy though. She is refusing to try any meals she is not familar with or that have ingredients that are mixed together but i can't work out why as i think it is all delicious. She is missing out on so much so i will have to talk to her about it once i learn to talk, that's if Mummy and Daddy haven't managed to persuade her to try more foods before then. :)
Look how clever I am now!!!
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