Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Garden Fun.

Mummy is not afraid to admit that she is not the garden type. Daddy enjoys keeping the garden tidy and for parts of the year he manages to have some flowers 'on show' but his lack of time and lack of green fingers (Mummy's words, Daddy, not mine!) means that the garden is normally tidy but will never be classed as beautiful.

                                            Here are the items Daddy brought to improve the garden.

However, as the weather was so beautiful last week, Daddy and big sister went out to do some gardening and to my delight Mummy decided her and i would join them in the garden.

                                             Here i am eager to start some gardening too.

Daddy and big sister had a great time planting some seeds, whereas Mummy and i watched them and did a bit of playing as well. It is the first time I have been out in the garden properly and the green stuff you can see in the picture feels really funny when i touched it. It didn't taste that good though!!

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. Looks like you had fabulous fun! Funny their first real experience of grass. Thanks for linking to family frolic - link it again to this fridays's as you may get more views then! xx

    1. I will tell Mummy to link it again. And will have a new one ready for next week as well hopefully!! :)

  2. I love the happy smiles out there on that rug. It reminds me of summer time and picnics. Please do join me over on my blog for Country Kids with this one too
