Saturday, 24 November 2012

Dear Kerry...

Dearest Kerry
I remember how excited you were when I secretly whispered to you earlier this year that I was expecting twins!!
You were so positive and told me how lucky we were to be blessed with twins, as it is so very special.

I remember calling you for support one night when I felt a bit overwhelmed at the prospect of two new babies, you were brilliant.
How I miss you. Now the twins are here I feel it more than ever. I'm so glad to have told you about their arrival and shown you their picture, I wish you could meet them for a cuddle, I know you would love that.
You are still my inspiration.
Please come back to us Kerry.
Lots and lots of love Wendy x x x


  1. Oh Beautiful Baby Tales, a THIRD beautiful blog post.

    Such a special group of friends you all are. Got a massive lump in my throat.

    Liska xx
